Parents Testimonial: Carol, Mother of Joelle

Posted on August 25, 2014 Posted in Parents/Students Testimonials

Joelle becomes more confident in herself and in relating to others after attending JEMS. JEMS program design is age appropriate and fit into child development. At the time our family is dealing with the issue of telling lies, Joelle learnt about honesty at JEMS. She explained to us with crystal clarity that “When I’m honest to parents about my mistake, they would be a little unhappy (because of the mistake I made). But if I tell lies to parents to cover up my mistake, they would be very unhappy!” Honesty does has a price tag, while we believe it’s lower than that of dishonesty in the long haul.

We as parents find JEMS as a trustworthy partner in raising our kid as JEMS does not teach values in a vacuum but in very practical manner that kids just get it to heart.

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